Relationships and Couples Yoga
Written by Jane Wolf.
Twenty-two percent of divorced men and women wished that they had stayed in their marriages, according to a recent article from the Huffington Post Canada. Over the past two decades, five million Canadians have changed their relationship statuses from “married” to “separated” or “divorced”. If you’re married and you want to avoid divorce regret down the line, couples yoga will be a great way to keep your relationship fresh. If you’re not married, doing yoga with a date may be the key to building a stable and healthy relationship. Couples Yoga strengthens relationships, adds novelty and boosts the health and well-being of both partners.
Couples yoga makes relationships stronger
According to certified yoga instructor, Julia Lehrman, who is also a psychotherapist, couples yoga functions as a mini relationship workshop or retreat. During couples yoga, each partner must pay close attention to the other person. Both partners must attempt to achieve the same goals. When you add couples yoga to the mix, you’ll access so many impressive benefits, from an improved sex life to better mood and beyond. You’ll strengthen your relationship.
Couples yoga adds novelty
Dinner out is the typical date night option. While ordering a bottle of vino and supper at the table of a good restaurant is generally enjoyable, you can step it up to add some spice to your relationship. When couples don’t branch out by trying new things together, they may fall into ruts. According to the website, the urge to change and grow is vital to increasing a couple’s commitment level. When you do yoga with your partner for the first time, you’ll add novelty which is good for your romantic life.
You’ll both feel better
Yoga has proven health benefits. When you use couples yoga to get closer, you’ll do poses which are accompanied by meditation and controlled breathing. The practice of yoga will lower blood pressure, slow down pulse rate, enhance circulation, boost cardiovascular endurance and improve gastrointestinal function. It’ll also speed up metabolism. According to the website, yoga will also treat depression or anxiety. Couples who feel healthy and emotionally balanced will find it easier to stay in tune. Health problems and mental health problems tend to take a toll on relationships.
Try couples yoga today
There are different ways to enjoy couples yoga. You may light some candles at home and use instructional videos to learn yoga together. Another option is signing on for a weekend couples yoga retreat, or attending a local Yoga class together. However you decide to learn, you’ll find that Couples Yoga is a wonderful way to freshen up your relationship.
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