Enhance your Beauty with Yoga
Can you really enhance your beauty with yoga? The simple answer is yes you definitely can. The practice of yoga may greatly aid in helping you look more youthful and more radiant well into your old age proving that the old adage 'age is but a number' is true. Those who regularly practice yoga have a certain glow about them that comes from within and radiates outward.
However, it is vital to note that to enhance your beauty with yoga; you must follow strict guidelines that you should incorporate in your daily life. You have to discipline yourself, eat a healthy diet, practice yoga everyday, and learn to balance your physical and spiritual selves.
Yoga for Inner and Outer Beauty
Regular yoga practice will not only aid you in achieving true inner beauty, but physical or outer beauty as well. It helps in losing excess weight and unwanted fat, all while improving your flexibility to maintain proper body posture also essential to making you look more youthful. As you know, detoxification is important to keep your body looking and feeling healthy and doing yoga asanas or postures will help in getting rid of toxins that have accumulated in your body. It will likewise aid in improving blood circulation to provide that radiant glow to your skin and hair.
You can also enhance your beauty with yoga because it aids in maximum absorption of nutrients since it is capable of aiding in absorbing nutrients at the cellular level. Because of this, all body organs will function at their best, which in turn will lend a healthier glow not only to your face, but to the whole body. In addition, practicing yoga regularly has been shown to considerably elevate your mood since it can greatly reduce stress levels, most especially when done with proper pranayamas or breathing exercises.
Pranayama Practice to Enhance your Beauty with Yoga
Pranayama yoga is the art of controlled breathing. With regular pranayama yoga practice, you stimulate you internal body organs and learn to free your mind of unnecessary mental clutter. This in turn will reflect well in your physical appearance. In general a daily 30-minute pranayama session, along with specific yoga asanas is required to feel and see the benefits. Some pranayamas you can use include the following:
- Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
- Kapalabhati (Cleaning Breath)
- Shitali Pranayama (Cooling Breath)
- Bhastrika (Bellows)
- Bhramari Pranayama (Bee Breath)
Asanas to Enhance your beauty with Yoga
Below are some simple yoga asanas or postures you can incorporate with your pranayama yoga practice to get that youthful appearance.
To attain soft, smooth, radiant, and wrinkle free skin, start by standing straight and placing your feet hip width apart. Continue by using your palms for covering your face and breathing deeply and quickly 10 times. Continue breathing this way for 10 more counts while rubbing your whole face with your fingers, including the eye area. Rub from the chin going upwards to your forehead while continuing deep breathing.
For a fat-free and flatter stomach, begin by standing straight and placing your feet hip width apart. Continue bending slowly forward trying to reach your toes using your fingertips without your knees bending. Some may find this difficult to do at first, so continued practice is a must.
Once you get the hang of this asana, you can then move on and attempt to reach your right toe with your left hand and your left toe with the right hand, all while keeping your knees straight. When you've mastered the second step, you can then try bending deeper forward and touching the ground with both your palms without your knees bending.
To get that a curvier and slimmer waistline, begin by standing straight and placing your feet hip width apart. Next, spread your hands to the sides parallel to the floor and at shoulder level. Continue by turning the upper torso to your left side starting from your waist up and facing behind as much as you can without straining your neck. Do the same on your right side and repeat 10 more times. Next, do the same technique but with a jerk variation and repeat 20 times. After, put your hands on your waist, slowly bend forward down, and try to touch your thighs with your face. Do this 20 times.
Let's not forget about those thighs that seem intent on following the laws of gravity as you age. Begin by standing straight, spreading the hands parallel to the floor, and pointing forward. Next, bend the knees and assume a medium squat position with your spine straight and your thighs parallel to the floor. This yoga asana is like the 'horse trance' pose regularly practiced in martial arts. Do this for eight to ten times and as you gain more experience, try to hold the posture for at least three minutes.
The Yoga Diet
With yoga practice, the saying 'you are what you eat' holds especially true since yoga practitioners believe that what you eat is a reflection of yourself, which will then manifest on your physical appearance. True yoga practice must be accompanied by proper diet to get the maximum benefits. You need to nurture your body with the right types of foods so that your mind and general well-being will be properly nourished as well.
In general, a healthy yoga diet must have the proper amount of essential vitamins, nutrients, and minerals needed by the body. Preferably, you should follow a vegetarian diet, perform fasting at least once a month for detoxification purposes, and eat everything moderation. Some of the preferred foods include whole wheat breads, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, pure fruit juice, milk, cheese, butter, legumes, seeds, nuts, sprouts, and herbal teas.
To sum up, you can enhance your beauty with yoga while keeping your physical, mental, and spiritual states in their optimum condition. When you practice yoga regularly and eat healthy, you will see and feel the effects in no time at all.
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