Community - Share your Yoga Experiences
How to Stay Young through Yoga
Many of us carry trauma within our bodies from this and other lifetimes. We now have the opportunity to permanently release them and slow down the aging process dramatically with the practice of yoga
Yoga for Stress Management
Yoga makes a stressful event a lot easier to handle, whether it's family or work. It also produces strong emotional benefits due to the emphasis on breathing and the interconnection of mind, body and spirit.
How to Choose the Right Yoga Style
There are various types of yoga styles to choose from. When choosing your style, it all depends on your yoga goals. Do you want to improve strength, become more flexible, lose weight, relieve stress or eliminate toxins?
How Babies and Parents Benefit from Yoga
Babies are always moving, so baby yoga is naturally designed to be beneficial to improve health and enhance the bonding experience for both mother and baby.
Favorite Yoga Poses
Carol Traulsen shares with us her favorite yoga poses. Whether or not you can hold a yoga pose can be an indicator of how you're currently feeling at the present moment. Sometimes you just lack focus in your life.
Design Your Own Yoga Routines
Designing your own yoga routines doesn't have to be so hard. Jon Dyer shares with us the principles of having a specific routine purpose that hits all the main positions.
Mindfulness in Giving and Receiving
This holiday season don't stress about the gift giving process. Instead, focus your attention on bringing your full presence to all the moments you are blessed with, and share them with the people you love.
Vajrasana - Kneeling Pose
Vajrasana, kneeling pose involves siting back onto your knees. If you practice correctly, any knee or ankle problems will be prevented from developing.
Music to Practice Yoga
Music can bring serenity and be helpful as motivation while practicing yoga. There are so many options of music, as each person has their own taste. Here are a few lists of some favorites that you can incorporate into your practice.
Does Technology Jive with Yoga?
Yoga is going high-tech in many ways, from videos, games, yoga software, yoga apps, etc. This integration is part of the commercialization of yoga as a way to grow and expand awareness of the benefits of yoga.
When you Fall off the Yoga Wagon...
At some point we will fall off the yoga wagon, we all have that capacity; but we equally have the strength to climb back on. Yes we'll have a few cuts and bruises from the fall, but what better way to heal, than with yoga?
Finding a Good Yoga Instructor - Meet your Match
Finding a good yoga instructor is like finding a good hairdresser. You want to be able to totally relax and enjoy the outcome of the yoga class, and come out feeling like a million bucks. Find out the criteria to meet your match.
Cancer - Health
Any serious life or health illness or condition can definitely cause us to make a change in our lives. Carol Traulsen shares with us how she had to make some serious adjustments while she was taking her cancer treatments.
There are times in our lives when our breath can be taken from us, and it's not always a positive moment. When Carol Traulsen was diagnosed with breast cancer her breath was just taken away!
Tips to Choose Good Quality Yoga Clothing
Tim Moore shares with us some tips to help choose good quality yoga clothing. Yoga apparel should feel good and comfortable, and support all the extended movements of the body while you wear your style.
Pranayama in Yoga for Health and Beauty
Most people have observed how yogis seem to be much more youthful looking than those who don't practice. Yoga Pranayama are breathing exercises meant to increase your vital force and may be the answer to sustain beauty.
Beat The Hot Yoga Headache
Jan Dizon, a Bikram yoga practitioner shares with us some remedies on how to beat the hot yoga headache. Your body isn't used to the high temperature at first, and the excessive sweating may cause dehydration.
A yogic Transformation of a Cynic; a Different Perspective
The sassy and outspoken Suzanne Taylor shares with us her yogic transformation, and how the practice of Baptiste yoga taught her a great deal about pushing and respecting her limits, and how to be mindful in doing so.
Practice Makes Perfect?
Seeking perfection can lead to a path of destruction. There is no freedom in a perfectionist's mind, and the only way out is to surrender. Yoga is a great place to dispel any negative thought patterns we've created.
Are you a Yogi off the Mat?
Those that consider themselves modern day yogis should make an effort to apply the work they've done to every moment in their lives, on or off the mat.
How Yoga Helped my Injury More than Medication
Claire Austen shares with us how yoga helped her injury more than medication. After about a year of yoga practice, the near constant ache in her neck had resided.
Feel Better & Get Fit with Yoga
The mental health benefits of yoga are often overlooked. It is generally thought of as a gentle exercise routine that tones the body. However, many people fail to realize that it has a strong mental and spiritual side to it.
Yoga as a Tool to say 'Yes' to Life
Your yoga practice is an opportunity to become more aware of the sensations and rhythm of life: the physical response of your body and the state of your emotions.
Power & Strength Given to Yoga Teachers
We all respect power. We use it. We respect strength. We practice yoga, exercise and lift weights to maintain and develop strength. Cathy Geier shares with us her experiences.
The Many Faces of Yoga
It's often suggested that the West focuses too narrowly on the asanas, the physical postures - and not so much the spiritual aspects of yoga. Sarah English shares with us the many faces of yoga.
Yoga and the Steps to Freedom
Eric Anastacio shares with us how yoga can give us the steps to freedom. Refraining from judging and thinking positively can help convert the stresses of life into great opportunities.
Yoga: A Simple Reminder
Your yoga practice, when done mindfully, can serve to develop an ever-increasing awareness that moves beyond the mat to infuse each moment, never separate from daily life.
Meditation To Feel Happier at Work
Many of us correlate work with stress and anxiety. Find out how meditation can bring in oodles of physical and mental health benefits to be happier at your workplace.
Ways to Teach Yourself Yoga
Practicing yoga at home requires no bulky equipment and can be relatively easy on the wallet. Here are tips to start a home yoga practice for stress relief and to remove mind clutter.
Start Your Day With Yoga
If you devote a little yoga time each morning, you'll be reaping many rewards all day long. Yoga is a way to combat anxiety, increase energy, and improve emotional stability overall.
Beat the Blues with Yoga
If the cold weather has you feeling down, and you want to reach a state of physical and emotional bliss, believe it or not, yoga is a great mood enhancer.
YOGA... An Exercise with a Difference
Yoga stresses on inner magnificence. It works on different systems of the body and cleanses it from inside. All you need is a mat, an empty stomach and a lot of enthusiasm to obtain a stress free life and a fit body.
Qualities of Competent, Trusted Yoga Teachers
Cathy Geier shares with us a personal list of qualities of what is takes to be a competent, trusted yoga teacher. On the flipside, find out some hurtful incidences that happen during yoga classes.
Yoga: A Great Option for Cancer Patients
Kristy Dawson shares with us how yoga is a great option for cancer patients. It can alleviate some of the side effects from routine therapy treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.
Kundalini Yoga
Julia Lee shares with us her first taste of Kundalini Yoga. It based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan to awaken one's spirituality and consciousness to the universal nature of the soul.
Seasonal Vinyasa Tips for Fall
In the fall season, the Vata dosha becomes more predominant, which can take your body out of balance. Melina Meza shares with us some seasonal daily ritual and vinyasa tips to keep you stable and grounded for fall.
Why 'Hot' Yoga?
There are a number of reasons for heating a yoga room to body temperature. Hot Yoga Wellness shares with us why 'hot' yoga does the body good. Find out how your body gets a genuine cleansing due to sweating.
The Many Benefits of Yoga
Yoga can be an intimidating practice for anyone. Concentration? Flexibility? Strength? These can all be difficult to achieve and may deter you from even trying to start with yoga. Find out the benefits of yoga.
Hot Yoga and Me, Love it/Hate it?
Cathy shares with us her personal experience about having a love/hate relationship with hot yoga. Find out her thoughts and self reflection as she discovers the truth about hot yoga.
Trials and Tribulations of a New Mom
Diana Koch shares with us her experience of being a new mom. She felt extremely overwhelmed and wasn't prepared for such a great responsibility. Find out the trials and tribulations of motherhood.
Put on your Walking Shoes
We all know we should be engaging in exercise and that it's an integral part of daily living. But it appears as though people shy away from it. Diana Koch shares with us how exercise requires a level of dedication and motivation.
Wearing Happy Bright Colours
When someone walks into a room wearing bright vibrant colours, everyone seems to take notice. We are naturally drawn to beautiful bright colours. Find out what the attraction is all about.
What's Toxic in your Home?
Did you know that the average home contains over 50 toxic chemicals that over time causes havoc to your body? This can explain why more and more people suffer from frequent sickness.
The Original Yoga Sheep Skin Mat
Vera Del Vecchio shares her thoughts on using a sheep skin yoga mat. You may be asking - do yoga on a dead animal skin?!!! Find out the benefits and uses for this kind of yoga mat.
A Yogic & Holistic Perspective
Amanda Whittal shares with us the notion of the human soul. Find out some insight and philosophical talk on the question 'who are we?' from a yogic and holistic health perspective.
Yoga Practice & Diet for Spring
Melina Meza shares with us some tips on how to change your diet & yoga practice to accommodate the spring season. Learn specific foods & yoga postures to help you be healthy this Spring!
Colour Healing
Colours have healing powers that can help treat and prevent diseases, or correct any imbalances within your body. Find out the positive and negative attributes of each colour.
Practicing Gratitude: Setting Your Intention
You can delve even deeper into your yoga practice by simply setting an intention. Anne Calder explains how practicing gratitude can be one of the most astounding ways of expanding your life.
Partner Yoga: A Deeper Connection or a Money Grab?
Partner yoga is more than just a marketing scheme. You are establishing a deep connection. Find out how the joy of another's presence can expand your relationships.
Hot Yoga in Toronto
The hot yoga scene in Toronto is becoming the talk of the town. Individuals are affected greatly by the positive changes and awesomeness that hot yoga provides. Find out what the hype is about!
Yoga, its History & True Philosophy
Some Yoga purists, those that pursue a more spiritual path, are abhorrently repulsed by what Yoga has become today, with celebrities making it 'the thing to do'. Written by: Andrew Zubriczky.
The Pitfalls of Yoga
Jay Kruse from Texas has been practicing yoga for many years. He shares with us the benefits and pitfalls of his yoga journey and how he managed to bounce back and find balance in his life.
Yoga - Changing your Life one Posture at a Time
Mira Saraf took the 30 day yoga challenge, where she was drenched in perspiration for 90 minutes each day. She is sharing with us how her 30 day experience changed her life for the better one posture at a time.
Reverse the Aging Process through Yoga
Carmela Cattuti shares with us her experience how practicing yoga separates and relaxes every cell in her body, giving her skin a beautiful glow, while her physical appearance begins to look younger. A great read!
Shape Shifting of the 21st Century Through Yoga
Carmela Cattuti shares with us that a simple yoga posture can assess the qualities of a certain animal. So if you want a strength or qualiy from an animal, you should practice such pose.
Living Daily Yoga
Cathy Gee shares with us her personal yoga experiences and how it shaped her life in a positive way, through being a teacher and a student. An excellent blog written about the joys of yoga.
Magic Behind Number 26, Bikram Yoga
Mike Gossie found magic behind the number 26. He was suffering from aches and pains, and needed a solution. Bikram yoga is a 26-posture series that was designed to stretch muscles in a magical way.
What Yoga Means To Me
Lianne Raymond has contributed a wonderful article of her experience with yoga. During her first yoga class, she has felt unfamiliar sensations throughout her body. Find out how she became addicted to the positive effects of yoga.
Yoga Experience
Dana Laquidara shares with us her personal experience with yoga, and how it helped her face the bumps and bruises of life. The practice of yoga helped make her aware of her true self. A great inspiring article!
Feng shui: Clear the Clutter
Clearing your space of unwanted clutter can free you both physically and emotionally. Clutter of the mind leads to clutter in your space and vice-versa. Written by: Laura Morris.