
The Yoga of Meditation

The practice of yoga and meditation allows you to bring together all aspects of yourself into an integrated whole. By focusing on your breath you draw attention to your physical body and physical reality, which allows for the greatest creative potential to be achieved.


Yoga For Insomnia

Deprivation of sleep can cause fatigability, irritability, and increased susceptibility to a variety of illnesses. Practicing yoga can help cure insomnia without any side effects. Here are some yoga poses that can help induce sleep and promote relaxation before bedtime.


Why Meditation?

The goal of meditation is to increase the time of silent space between our thoughts, as most of our thoughts are about the past and the future. This will ultimately give us relaxation. Candle meditation and OM meditation are practiced to reach relaxation.

Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what hold you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom.


See Why Meditation?

meditating girl

Can Yoga Make you Taller?

The fastest and easiest way to look taller and feel better is to change your posture. Yoga can definitely lengthen, tone and stretch your body to improve your posture, increase your self confidence and make you look slimmer. Find out which yoga postures can give you an instant appearance of being taller.

See Can Yoga Make you Taller?

downward dog

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