
Moon Circles are a Great Way to get your Yoga Fix

Each full and new moon, Moon circle ceremonies are held across the world to celebrate the lunar cycle’s powerful energy. Through it, we learn how to align and manifest our dreams. Moon circles are an opportunity to set intentions, clear energy, gain clarity, work through fears, and connect with ourselves through communal energy, ritual, and personal reflection. As the moon offers unique connections to the mind, body, and soul, its phases can also be used to align your body with your spirit.

full moon quotes

By utilizing the emotional aspect of the moon, you are not necessarily working out, but rather working in- encouraging you to go deep into your subconscious and call forth your desires and let go of what is no longer serving you. Moon circles are a way to share communally in a sacred space, interacting with individuals who share the same values, while feeling a sense of belonging and being able to hold each other's space in a respectful way. They are a place to give and receive support, and to provide self-care to the tender parts of us that want to be seen and heard as we heal together.

When attending my moon circles, there are 4 main important parts:

Movement, meditation, journaling, and ritual-work

We connect and ground ourselves in our bodies, which prepares us to move into our minds. The moon's energy waxes and wanes throughout the month, so movement is the most important part. As long as we live in tune with the phases of the moon, we can use that energy to guide our flow. This will ensure that we are always motivated to take care of our bodies. We incorporate a quick yoga flow into our movement portion of the moon circle, which is intended to ground you and to demonstrate how you can do the same in your own moon ritual at home.

If it is a new Moon, I like to do a quick vinyasa style flow. As we approach the waxing phase, we want to build a bit of heat and momentum in the body so that all of the intentions we set during the new Moon can be put into action. The new Moon is the ideal time for dreaming, setting intentions, calling in your deepest desires, and sending out wishes to the Universe. The moon is about to wax, so allow yourself a chance to rest in order to build momentum. As the lunar cycle begins, plant some seeds and cultivate the energy you wish to create.

If it is a full Moon, the style of yoga is more restorative/yin. A full Moon occurs in the middle of a lunar cycle, and is when you will see your goals and dreams start to manifest as we release all of the intentions we set during the new Moon. The moon represents both the physical and the emotional body. It is a time when your emotions and physical body are open to the light and the awareness of spirit.

The full Moon is when the shadows disappear and the moon shines its luminosity, inviting us to become aware of the world and who we want to become. We are at a time when we should express gratitude and celebrate everything we've manifested thus far, and let go of anything that no longer serves us. As the Moon begins to wane after this phase, this is a time to rest, withdraw, and release.

Give yourself plenty of grace and rest, because once the new Moon arrives, you will be ready for a cosmic reset and a jump start back towards your goals and dreams. Join me in circle and we will manifest together.

Goddess and the Moon will be hosting the following events in March:

Virtual moon circles:

In person moon circles in Atlanta:

Flyers and registration links for in person circles will be announced on my website, www.goddess-andthemoon.com and Instagram: @goddess_andthemoon soon.


I am a 29 year old Cancer sun, Scorpio Moon, and Capricorn rising. I am passionate about mastering my soul. I love working with the moon, practicing yoga, and meditating. As a 200 hour yoga teacher and meditation graduate of My Vinyasa Practice, I use the moon as a tool to align with my highest self and manifest my dreams and goals. Through this, I created Goddess and the Moon, a moon circle project where I gather with others in circle to open our hearts to one another, share, explore, and heal through lunar rituals. Whenever I host a circle, I remember that we are all seeking the same thing: unconditional love, and I am passionate about helping others find their inner magic through love.

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