
Love your Skin this Winter with...Rich and Raw Oils!

Written by Margaret Mackintosh at Beaulance Natural Skin Care.

Consider that as we 'get older' in chronological terms, it becomes increasingly difficult to digest and utilize the beneficial oils in our foods. When flax, hemp and other great products became readily available, many of us began to consume them freely, assuming we were obtaining all that we needed from them. To some extent this seems to be true!

beauty oil

However, our digestive systems find it 'challenging', to put it nicely, to digest and absorb the beneficial nutrients of these and other foods as we get older. Fortunately, we now know that our skin, being the largest organ, allows far greater absorption and immediate use of healthy oils, while bypassing the digestive system. Just as hormone and other skin patches work trans-dermally, so too can we apply oils to our skin and reap their benefits.

Recently, a few oils appeared on health food store shelves that allow us to improve the condition of our skin, perhaps very significantly, while avoiding those 'nasty' additives so often found in regular skin 'care' products.

Today, we'll look at two 'powerhouse' oils that boast centuries of highly beneficial and therapeutic use. Tamanu Oil, long used and loved by Polynesian people, has recently 'hit' the scene in North America, thanks, in part, by Dr. Oz, who featured it on National TV back in the Spring of this year, 2010.

Here are some of its myriad benefits:

The other oil we'll address today is Argan Oil from Morocco. As with Tamanu Oil's long history, Argan Oil has also been used for centuries with great benefit! Traditionally, the local Berber women of Morocco collected and pressed the seeds/kernels by hand from the Argania Spinosa tree, which has always yielded one of the most expensive oils in the world! The Moroccan women have always used Argan Oil to protect and nourish their skin, hair and nails.

Here in the West, Argan is gaining popularity as a 'miracle ingredient'. It contains extremely high levels of Vitamin E and 80% fatty acids. The active substances in Argan oil offer amazing skin protection benefits, including tissue healing (scars), anti-inflammatory, sun-protective and disinfectant properties, and protection against premature aging caused by oxidation.

Argan Oil is considered an effective anti-aging oil and is believed to help reduce wrinkles by restoring the skin's hydro-lipid layer. Argan Oil contains rare plant sterols (phytosterols) not found in other oils and are believed to show anti-cancer properties.

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