
Hands - The First Sign of Good Grooming

Our hands are the first to suffer environmental damage and reveal our true age.

Hands: - Our Most Important Tool.

hand grooming

Our hands withstand enormous signs of aging, and can appear as early as the teen years. Hands suffer from moisture loss which encourages bacterial activity and formation of free radicals and weakens skin tonus. Skin appears transparent, rough and coarse.

All you need to prevent damaged, aging hands is an awareness of the problem and 5 minutes for daily hand care.

A good hand cream:

The pH of the healthy epidermis is mildly acidic (between 5-6) creating a first line of defense against environmental damage, helping to protect skin from irritation and irregularities.

Products which contain hydratants - enhance cell regeneration and maintain skin elasticity. They will help neutralize bacterial activity and maintain the active protective layer.

Daily Hand Care: Penetrates and maintains moisture.

Periodic Treatment - Master Treatment at night!!!

Questions and Answers

1) Where should I keep hand cream?

In the kitchen, office drawer, handbag, near your bed!

2) How to apply hand cream?

3) How to choose a good hand cream?

Bio Ambiance Hand Care for:

Bio Ambiance Hand Creams -

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