
Anti-aging Secrets of Facial Yoga

Facial yoga involves stretching and toning your facial muscles to preserve and restore a youthful appearance. It is cost effective with no side effects. Here are some facial yoga poses that you can try at home to prevent wrinkles, sagging and crow's feet.

See Anti-aging Secrets of Facial Yoga.

facial yoga

Yoga for Healthy Hair

The health of your hair reflects your internal health and personal hygiene. Here are some yoga poses and breathing techniques to help address the root cause of any hair loss and bring upon healthy and beautiful hair.

See Yoga for Healthy Hair.

wild thing pose

Why Meditation?

The goal of meditation is to increase the time of silent space between our thoughts, as most of our thoughts are about the past and the future. This will ultimately give us relaxation. Candle meditation and OM meditation are practiced to reach relaxation.

See Why Meditation?

meditating girl

Music to Practice Yoga

Music can bring serenity and be helpful as motivation while practicing yoga. There are so many options of music, as each person has their own taste. Here are a few lists of some favorites that you can incorporate into your practice.

See Music to Practice Yoga.

yoga and music

Ignite your Sacral Chakra

Stir the pot, ignite your sacral chakra and get your creative juices flowing. Be childlike, motivated and excited about life by moving the energy flow to reach perfect harmony.

See Ignite your Sacral Chakra.

sacral chakra fire

Birth Order and Romantic Compatibility

Your birth order is connected to your personality and can predict your best and worst romantic match. Firstborn, middleborn, lastborn and only child all have different qualities. Find out your most compatible and magical match.

See Birth Order and Romantic Compatibility.

birth order

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