
Yoga Etiquette

By Laura Hansen.

One of the most important goals of yoga is to attain liberation from self. We can practice selflessness by thinking of others. Instead of focusing on our own needs in a yoga class it is helpful to focus on supporting others. While this article does include some specific tips, it is impossible to plan for every eventuality. Maintaining humility and showing respect for others can guide us to the right behavior in any situation.

yoga etiquette

Show respect for the teacher.

Show respect for other practitioners.

Show respect for yourself.

Show respect for the studio.

The practice of asana (postures) follows the practice of the Yamas and Niyamas in traditional yoga. This means that asana is only practiced after we make some progress towards selflessness. Truly, the ego must be left at the door. When we learn to leave the ego at the door the following things occur:

The practice of selflessness is considerably more challenging than asana practice but the benefits are worth the effort. Until it becomes natural to think of others, use the tips provided as a guide for how to approach a studio yoga practice.

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