
Clearing away Negativity with Epsom Salts

Ever feel that there are toxic thoughts, negative energy, and non positive people around your environment, which can leave you feeling drained and unbalanced? Taking a relaxing Epsom salt bath can help clear away these negative feelings and keep you grounded, as salt comes from the earth. Epsom salt also has cleansing abilities, which can help clear away negative energy that surrounds us and our auras, from others or from ourselves.

epsom salt bath

These salts can be bought at most supermarkets and natural health shops. I have bags of them stored in my bathroom, as I take Epsom salt baths often. I find that it also relieves aching muscles and pains, especially after a strenuous work out or intense yoga class. It worked wonders while I was taking my teachers training course, as we would train for 5 hours straight. After class I would rush home into my relaxing bath and melt away with Epsom salts.

Taking an Epsom salt bath

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm or hot water.
  2. Add about half a cup of Epsom salts.
  3. You can add a few drops of any essential oils to add a nice fragrance to your bath. You can use your intuition to guide you.
  4. Lavender is great if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed with life. It adds a calming and relaxing touch to you bath. Taking a bath at night before bed with Lavender can help with insomnia or any sleeping problems.
  5. Chamomile can be added to help calm and sooth your mind, which is also great before bedtime.
  6. Lighting candles, dimming the lights and playing relaxing music can make your bath a very rejuvenating experience.
  7. You can soak in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes, all depending on how you feel.
  8. Rinsing off the salt from your body after your bath is good to prevent dry skin.
  9. You can rub moisturizer on your body after to soften your skin. I recommend using natural cocoa butter, which is entirely derived from cocoa beans. It provides deep hydration and reduces any stretch marks when used daily.

Enjoy your bath!

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