Yoga to Improve Posture
Do you want to look taller? Then read on. No matter how short or tall you may be, your posture adds that extra bit called elegance and poise. Carrying yourself upright and walking with a nice gait raises your stature in height and looks. Some yoga poses can help you achieve that added improvement to make you look slimmer, taller and agile.
Here are a few yoga poses which if practiced regularly are sure to shed off five pounds off your weight chart. Hold on to each and every posture for a few seconds and increase the time to a minute as you progress daily. The longer you can retain a yoga asana posture in its correct form with focused attention, higher the rewards you reap.
Listed below are 12 yoga poses to improve your posture:
Reverse Prayer Pose - Paschhima Namaskarasana
This pose of doing namaskar from the opposite side strengthens the shoulders, shoulder blades, arms and the frontal finger joints. When you practice this pose regularly your upper back and shoulders become more flexible and strong, as well.
Cat/Cow Pose - Marjariasana
This yoga pose is based on a cat's spine stretching exercises. Regular practice of Cat/Cow Pose keeps your spine supple and strong to ward off any injury. It relieves any tension in your lower back, purifies the blood flow to the spine and internal organs.
Downward Dog Pose - Adho Mukho svanasana
This dog-like stretching pose is mainly focused on the upper back. It helps to calm the brain and reduce stress and depression when done regularly. Downward Dog helps to eliminate back pain, insomnia, fatigue and relieves the menopause symptoms. While strengthening the hands, legs, shoulders, calves this asana has proven to be therapeutic for asthma, sciatica, and high blood pressure.
Upward Dog Pose - Urdhva Mukho Svanasana
This asana greatly improves your posture while it strengthens your wrists, arms and spine. It invigorates your chest, lungs, shoulders and abdomen and stimulates the internal organs. Regular practice makes your buttocks firm.
Side Angle Pose with a Twist - Parivrtta parsvakonasana
This asana plays an important role in healing, stretching and strengthening your legs, ankles, groins, chest, lungs, shoulders, spine and abdomen. Regular practice of this pose will enhance your stamina, improve your digestion and balance while it eliminates acidity.
Inclined Plane Pose - Poorvattanasana
This slanting plank pose strengthens your wrists, arms and legs. Further it works on your chest, shoulders and front ankles. This is also a good asana to take away your fatigue.
Camel Pose - Ustrasana
Camel Pose focuses on your wrists, ankles, thighs, groins, shoulders, spine, chest and stomach or belly. It immensely improves posture; strengthens back muscles, hip flexors and activates the internal organs in the abdomen and neck.
Seated Spinal Twist Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana
Seated Spinal Twist strengthens your upper back, stimulates the kidneys and liver. The spine gets energized; your shoulders, neck and hips get invigorated; your digestive system improves remarkably. Besides improving your appetite, this pose helps to awaken your kundalini.
Easy Spinal Twist Pose - Supto Matsyendrasana
This lying down variety of the above pose gives equal benefits as the one done sitting up.
Fish Pose - Matsyasana
This fish-like pose strengthens your belly, spine, chest, neck and shoulders. Fish Pose also stretches and stimulates the deep hip flexors, muscles between the ribs, belly muscles, front neck muscles, muscles at the back neck and upper back.
Bridge Pose - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This asana improves digestion; relieves menopause symptoms, menstrual problems, stimulates your thyroid, lungs and abdominal organs. Alleviates depression, stress and calms down the brain. It reduces fatigue, backache, headache and insomnia.
Corpse Pose - Savasana
Corpse Pose helps to bring down blood pressure, relaxes the whole body, removing stress and strain and calms the brain.
6 Yoga Poses to Make you Look Taller Video
- Here is an instructional video of these 6 amazing yoga postures to make you look taller.
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