
Yoga for the Brain

Ever wonder why you feel so good and refreshed after a yoga class? I tend to feel amazing, and I enjoy the calming effects. Practicing yoga and meditation can effect your brain in a positive way. You can definitely notice a positive difference after attending a yoga session. Even scientists and researchers are now studying how yoga affects the brain.


Studies have been made to prove that after one yoga session, the GABA levels in your brain increase. Anti-depressants also work by boosting these GABA levels. Yoga seems to be the better choice for depression, anxiety and stress, since there are no side effects and many benefits for your mind, body and spirit.

Yoga can improve your cognitive functions and memory by reducing the stress levels in your body. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol into the blood stream, which uses up a lot of glucose in the body. This leads to a fuel deficiency for your brain. Too much cortisol produces high amounts of free radicals which damages your brain cells.

Stress also causes physiological changes that impact the brain and body. You end up using your dominant brain side for organizing thought patterns instead of using your whole brain power to make better decisions and enhance you performance and coordination. Practicing yoga can help retrain your brain and body connection to release old automatic thought patterns and negative habits. The goal is to have what we "think" and "do" to be aligned and function in pure balance.

Body movements can enhance, manufacture and balance the flow of energy in your body. Fast movements produce more endorphins (runner's high), and slower movements stimulate the production of dopamine. This is all happening in the front part of your brain.

Yoga is a great way to balance both brain hemispheres at the same time. Eagle pose is a good example. By moving opposite arms and legs at the same time you stimulate, reactivate the whole brain, basically you're giving your brain a wake up call. As you do this, you encourage dopamine (the feel good hormone), while enhancing your ability to see things clearly. Your mind always tends to feel more at ease after a yoga class. Your thinking patterns are more positive and clear, your concentration and focus is greatly improved and your problem solving skills are enhanced.

Why Your Brain Loves Yoga Video
VIDEO - Ever wonder why you feel so good and relaxed after a yoga class? Studies have been made to prove that yoga boosts the GABA levels in your brain making you feel happy, with no side effects.

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