Yoga for Men: The Times are Changing
Written by Andrew Zubriczky.
The trend spotters are noticing a paradigm shift occurring in the Yoga world. Men, instead of women are joining the membership ranks of Yoga Studios all across North America. This trend is of particular importance here in Toronto.
Never mind gazing at all the beautiful eye candy of the opposite sex, as they stretch and turn. Men in our city are also realizing the 'other' benefits of this ancient discipline; and what it can do for them, to turn back their own hands of time. They've come to realize that even though getting old is inevitable; feeling older, doesn't have to be any longer! Yoga keeps you YOUNG!!!
This is the power of Yoga, both physically and spiritually. Checking the rosters of the busiest spots in Toronto tells me that men are flocking to these places in droves. Traditionally though, most Yoga instructors in the West have been men, and they were mainly teaching women. Today, there are many more women instructors then ever before, especially here in Toronto.
The Universe needs balance, it looks for it, and then corrects it. The same is true for men following the flow of Yoga in their lives. Yoga, meaning combination, brings both sexes together in the 'Ying and Yang' symbols we have seen popularized since the 60's. Finally, gender balance is becoming a 'realistic' reality. More power to both sexes!
In the meantime, men are enjoying the many benefits of Yoga in their lives. The sport jocks love it because it works their entire body, easily eliminating stiff and sore muscles in the process. The lovers enjoy it for it's amazing 'tantric' benefits in the bedroom; while still others, use it to restore and revitalize their energy levels; to help focus their minds; and balance their minds; and most importantly, by flushing your system of the stored 'toxins', as you sweat them out, through each yoga exercise.
Health is no longer just fashionable for the food faddists of the World. Good health, make that great health, has now become an affordable and do-able activity. There are many classes, styles, and various forms of Yoga offered right here in our fair city. If any men are listening out there, do yourself a favor, a favor you will love yourself for later on. Check it out. Google,'yoga Toronto'; you can include studios, classes, spas, etc., as another identifier in your search terms.
Do your homework and check it out for yourself. From as low as $30.00 a month, to $15-25.00 a visit, and with private coaching costing more; anyone, any gender, can now truly enjoy this ancient art, science, and philosophy. Get into the health invigorating benefits that Yoga can bring to your life, your love life, and to a much longer life.
Andrew Zubriczky is an independent health research writer at the forefront of cutting edge breakthroughs in the field of natural health; and, he is also an avid student of the 'real' science behind living longer; longer than you ever thought was humanly possible! Please keep in mind, nothing is true for you, until you experience it for yourself. So, let me know what you think. Get involved, share your feelings and ideas.
Top 10 Yoga Studios in Toronto Video
- See the top 10 yoga studios in Toronto that are worth checking out. Each studio offers a different experience. Some are hot, and some are not, but there is something for every yoga enthusiast.
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