Sun Salutation
Sun salutations is a series of postures that help the body gain flexibility. It regulates the breath and focuses the mind. It also increases blood flow to the organs and is detoxifying.
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A man becomes too much attached to money - money is accidental. It has nothing to do with essential life. A man becomes too much attached to his house or to his car, or to his wife,
or to her husband, to children, to relationship. Relationship is accidental; it has nothing essential in it. It is not your real being. And in this century, the twentieth century, the problem has become
too deep. There are people who call the twentieth century the accidental century - they are right People are living too much identified with the non-essential: money, power,
prestige, respectability. You will have to leave all that behind when you go. Even an Alexander has to go empty-handed. Osho