
Vera Del Vecchio

Vera Del Vecchio lives in Toronto, Canada and is a Kundalini yoga teacher, life coach and has a passion for the environment.

Celebrate the Aquarian Age!

It's a new beginning of the Aquarian Age, a world of revived hope. This is a chance of creating a fresh start recreating ourselves, our loves ones and the world around us.

Ten Sacred Secrets to Success by Yogi Bhajan

Here are ten sacred secrets to success by Yogi Bhajan to inspire you to be your best at everything you do. For every action, there is a reaction and opposite. If you follow these secrets, you will enhance your wisdom and success in life.

Bokashi Composting Discovery

Anyone that tries the bokashi composting will experience an abundance of growth in the garden, with no more raccons attracted to your compost. The result produces stronger, more nutritious growing seasons.

A Yogic Perspective for the Aquarian Age

In Aquarian Age there are no secrets! All information can be found. The Age Motto is: 'be to be.' Let your actions demonstrate wisdom. You can show your wholeness, connect with a larger creative existence.

Mother of all Creation

Through the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, learn the importance of being a woman, and why mother earth is a female. The beauty of Mothers and Women are the glue that hold the family, communities and society together.

Aquarian Shift

It's the season of change as we approach the Aquarian Shift of 11/11/2011 and the first summer solstice of that shift in 2012. Our old ideas will be challenged, as we invite the rise of new creativity in our lives.

Bum Deal for the Young People!

The young people have a bum deal! The past generations has left them with broken families, lost identities, confusion, insecurity, anger, depression and violence. Find out the positives, and what you can do.

2012 Survival Plan

There will be many changes beyond our control that will shake us in a very deep level as we reach the Aquarian Age. Here is a 2012 survival plan, which includes kundalini yoga and meditation.

Recipes with EM Probiotic

Vera Del Vecchio shares with us recipes with Em Probiotic. Learn how to soak your sprouts for eating or before planting.

Bokashi for Composting

Vera Del Vecchio shares with us her experience using a bokashi composting system. It brings healthy microbes and nutrients in your soil with noticeably healthier plants, therefore reducing pest infestations, and pesticides use.

Yoga Walking

Yoga walking is an ancient yoga technique from India using walking for mental and physical benefits. It changes the rhythms of your body on a cellular level working together with the heart rhythm and muscle balance.

Take a Cold Shower

People pay huge sums of money for what is now called 'Hydrothermal therapy' when in reality all you need is cold water! Find out why taking a cold shower (Hydrotherapy) is good for you?

Having a Live Conversation?! Is it Scary?

Having a live conversation can be scary for some people, especially with the Internet boom. Find out a great way to connect your mind & body through nature & meet like minded people on a personal level.

Breath of Life

By taking a deep yogic breath you can expand the lungs by about 8 times. If you establish a habit of breathing long, deep, and slowly you will have endurance and patience.

Relaxing to Sleep

Here is a routine that can help you fall asleep more quickly, sleep more soundly, and ensure a more rejuvenating quality of sleep. This is especially great if you suffer from insomnia.

Yoga Inspirations to Keep the Doctor Away

This lovely satin pouch contains Yoga Inspirations that are full of healing sayings by Yogi Bhajan to inspire and uplift your spirits. Find out how you can offer these words of wisdom to your yoga students.

The Original Yoga Sheep Skin Mat

Vera Del Vecchio shares her thoughts on using a sheep skin yoga mat. You may be asking - do yoga on a dead animal skin?!!! Find out the benefits and uses for this kind of yoga mat.