
The Yogis Journal

I received a beautiful yoga journal at the Yoga Conference this year. It really caught my attention, as I love to journal every night and reflect on the day and focus on positive affirmations. This really motivates me to be more productive and do only the things I love doing that are great for my well-being. Listing the things I'm grateful for and my daily intentions really help with love and appreciation.

The Yogis Journal

I love how they have a "let it flow" section where you can list things, doodle and have fun with it. This really lets your creative juices flow. It's a sacred space just for you and your thoughts. I think that's important to have, as we live such busy lives, and are always on the go. We always want the next best thing, and not take the time to appreciate what we have at any given moment. Jotting down how we feel at the moment gives focus and awareness to our current state of being. Only then can we focus on finding ways to better ourselves and improve our lives.

The components of this journal include:

Who Is This Journal Perfect For?

  • Anyone on their yoga journey (beginner through to advanced) that wants to explore their practice deeper.
  • The Yoga Teacher that wants to reconnect and transform their personal practice.
  • The Yogi that is looking for focus and clarity in their practice.
  • A Yogi looking to start start their self practice and are looking for a structure to guide them.
  • The YTT teacher that wants to share the 8-limbed path in an easily understandable way.
  • A Yogi looking for more than just a journal, but a place for mindfulness, gratitude, intentions and inspiration.

Check out theyogisjournal.com to transform your daily yoga practice and begin your journal journey towards a beautiful life.

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