Studio Lagree Workout
Aside from my yoga practice, I also love taking all kinds of fitness classes, so I was so happy that I was introduced to Studio Lagree. It is new to Toronto, and is a very unique type of workout that is known as "Pilates on Steroids." It's not exactly Pilates, but an extremely challenging workout that really gets your abs on fire...
After taking a few classes about one week apart I noticed such a transformation of my body. It really started taking shape, but in a nice way. The exercises that you do don't bulk you up, as some women might be afraid off, but they tone you up beautifully.
You get to build strength, Cardio and balance all together in every 50-minute class. You can burn about 600 calories per class, and you're really speeding up your metabolism.
Using this Megaformer machine, you are working muscle groups that you've never worked before. You use your body weight plus resistance and selected tension from the Megaformer. As you glide into exercises, you are constantly using your core, to keep your body balanced.
There are no breaks, so it's like "circuit training on steroids," you quickly move from exercise to exercise within seconds. You fatigue your muscles to the max with every exercise.
The 50-minute class passes by so quickly, as you don't even pay attention to the time. You're so focused on your body and feeling that muscle burn and fatigue. It definitely gets your juices flowing, and you do work up a sweat.
I would highly recommend Lagree Fitness to all fitness enthusiasts who want a real challenging workout that your body will love. You will see results immediately, especially in your abs. Since they are engaged for most of the workout.
But I must warn you, I saved the worst part for last... the muscle pain and soreness is extreme. After my first class, my body was sore for days, but it does get easier once you keep taking more classes on a regular basis and build strength.
You will definitely notice an increase of confidence, as you feel super fit and strong, and you just love your new body shape.
Studio Lagree is the first in Canada, and located in 435 Spadina Rd in Toronto. You can visit their website for more information and class schedule -
Studio Lagree
- VIDEO - I'm on location at Studio Lagree trying the Megaformer Pilates machine with Sebastien Lagree. He's a celebrity fitness guru who invented the Lagree Fitness workout. Sweat baby sweat!