How Much Protein do we Need?
Written by Lori Nichols Davies.
Let us look at the amount of protein needed to repair 50,000 cells in adult bodies from 100 pounds (teenagers) to the 320 pounds (the largest of men.)
Amounts of protein needed vary according to body weight and activity. Most people have no clue what their body needs unless they humble themselves in personal training programs, or come to a cooking class at the Holistic Cooking Academy of Canada.
Protein needs are scientifically determined by the physiology of the weight of body dust after water is removed during cremation. Water is 55-70% of body weight at the time of death, often caused by dehydration. 70% is ideal for adults. In the dust that we are, 30% of original body weight left after cremation has a composition of 50% protein. Even bone cannot form without protein.
Dietitians and Naturopathic doctors therefore agree that 15% of body weight is the protein level needed in the diet of a sedentary person who is healthy, young, with no stress or health issues such as obesity. That is, when sitting and thinking, not moving about. The sedentary lifestyle is lived by an estimated 80% of the population.
One leaves the sedentary lifestyle after four hours of light activity, such as walking about.
In light activity or weight loss programs, 20% of total Calories is recommended. My Portion Control Guidelines outlines 20% of total Calories to be protein.
More active lifestyles - that is, four to eight hours of sweating - as experienced by construction crews, chefs, gardeners, mothers chasing young children, farmers, couriers, movers, chiropractors and athletes, need the same number of grams of protein as body weight.
Protein maintains energy and strength in all cells. It sustains healthy hormone levels. It creates metabolic enzymes inside the body to handle body repairs of aging or broken tissues created by activity.
Stress increases the need for protein and B vitamins. Humans need a little stress. Without daily challenges overcome none of us feel emotionally healthy or that we are spiritually growing. We need adequate protein and B vitamins to live well, to be pro-active and to advance our lives.
B vitamins are essential for metabolism of protein, fat and carbohydrates. More than the RDA is needed during stress or in fighting disease.
When fatigued during stress, even after emotional therapy, or to prevent obesity, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and heart disease, autoimmune disorders, Dr. Michael Eades, MD, of Colorado, who taught me what is adequate protein, and confirmed to me by dietitians, naturopathic doctors, 50% of body weight is the amount of protein needed to cope with the good life that offers chosen stress to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
In weight loss, everyone needs to learn how the body burns fat? We refer to the Krebs Cycle, that explains this in scientific circles, taught to us by Dr. Larry Cuaig, Ph.D nutrition who was Canada's Food Coordinator and Food Safety and Recalls Co-Director for 18 years. The Krebs Cycle says that when diet has more fat calories than carb calories, then fat is burned for energy. When carb calories exceed fat calories in the meal, then carbohydrates are burned energy.
The Ministry of Supply and Services reported in 1996 that 50% of Canadians loose their weight by reducing carbohydrates, and lay people know that by removing bread and sugar from their diet. Fat or carbohydrates provide Calories for mobility. Protein provides structure for function, and hair and skin growth, etc. Whatever is highest determines which one the body uses. Hence, "eat fat to loose fat" works in nourishing traditional diets globally. Butter and cream, for example, in French cuisine, is famous for the French phenomena of gorgeous skinny bodies.
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