PhytoLife By Theralogix
I received a lovely package of healthy goodies by PhytoLife Theralogix. They provide a multivitamin and multimineral supplement that's formulated with 10 critical nutrients missing from plant-based diets. This is awesome for those who mainly eat vegan and vegetarian diets. There is a growing popularity in plant based diets, for personal health reasons, ethical and environmental concerns.
The package includes a 4 week supply of vitamins, with 28 tablets and 28 liquid capsules that contain exactly what you need per day, and are highly absorbed.
What a great idea, as these supplements provide everything you need that compliment your plant based diet. This way you can have the energy you need to feel your optimal best. The cute little avocado is a loveable, squeezable stress ball. So if your diet includes lots of avocados, then these supplements are for you.
Highest Quality Ingredients
Contains easy-to-absorb vegan sources of:
- Vitamin D3 (as Vitashine, sourced from sustainable lichen)
- Long-chain omega-3s (DHA/EPA) from algae
- Vitamin B12 (Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin)
- Vitamin K2 (as MK-7)
- Chelated minerals for optimal absorption and bioavailability
Check out if you want to try a vegan supplement to balance your plant-based diet.
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