

If you're sailing out on a turbulent sea, then the power of Ginger might be your greatest thing onboard. Ginger is an extraordinary herb for any types of nausea, motion sickness and morning sickness. Pregnant women love this herb.


Ginger is an excellent antioxidant that has antibiotic and antifungal properties, and is useful in healing any inflammatory conditions as well as other health benefits. It can help those who suffer from arthritis by reducing pain and increasing mobility. It lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and increases circulation within the body. Ginger has the ability to keep the body warm, which is great for those who have cold hands and feet.

Ginger is great to have in the kitchen. It is a common used spice for cooking, flavouring and baking many dishes. It is used in making gingerbread cookies.

Ginger oil can be used as a massage ointment as it can excite your senses. It's aromatherapy has been known as an aphrodisiac because of its exotic scent! The bitter-sweetness and pungent citrus scents can get you feeling aroused!

Natural Herb Index