
Meaning Behind Your Name

Did you know that the letters in your name have great meaning, and can show you what your future holds, and lead you into your fortunes? Behind the meaning of your name, you can reveal hidden or conflicting aspects of your life that can help you to know yourself fully and maximize your full potential. Your name can also indicate phases of life which you move hrough and then pass on.

You can use letters of fortune to improve your future. Many people simply add or drop a letter or two or even change their name completely. When changing a name, you should have the new spelling or expanded version of your name printed on everything (checks, business card, drivers license, letterheads etc.) This would ensure that good fortune will come to you. All you need to do is check the meaning beside each letter of your first name. This is based on the name by which you are most often known, and this may be different from your birth name.



Use the name that you're most often known for. It's best to use only one name, but if you have a professional name that consists of a personal name and surname, for instance, you might want to see the different influences this brings into your life.

Look up each letters meaning separately and make a note of them. Be totally honest with yourself. Do these statements have some truth to them and reflect your true self? You can check with a friend or partner, if you like.

After seeing what your name means, you might like to see if changing the spelling of your name will bring in a different, preferable vibration. You can also choose letters that bring in an appropriate possibility and arrange them into a new name. You may also find that your given name at birth reflects aspirations your parents had for you rather than what you truly wish for yourself. In which case, choose your new name wisely!


A- Vitality and enthusiasm, inspire others, prone to ill health, common sense overcomes, irritability and "nerves", create financial and domestic problems. Engaging in new activities, overcomes shyness, unforeseen events may cause unexpected move to faraway place. Travel widely, may choose to live far from home. You could suffer through own fickleness. Ambition attained through application and skill.

B- Lack ability to manage people with thoughtfulness and honesty. Natural adaptable, handle any problem provided extremes are avoided. Think before you act, pay attention to detail or plans will be defeated. be actively engaged in projects to be happy. Generosity may interfere with artistic talent. Curtail stubbornness or become discouraged.

C- Excellent understanding of people, Avoid lengthy discussions as these undermine. Unwilling to attend to small problems and details, but common sense overcomes. Intelligence shines brightly, propelling into positions of importance. Modify impulsive tendencies by analyzing situations first.

D- Excellent judgement, you weigh things carefully. Do not be discouraged, success lies ahead. Brusqueness and forcefulness are your undoing. Overcome inferiority complex, patient efforts will be rewarded. Afraid of nothing, nevertheless stay out of physical fights.

E- Timidity recedes as you mature. Secretiveness and selfishness give power, lose support unless craving for money and power moderated. Innate intelligence and diplomacy bring ambition to fruition. Versatility brings honors, do not become careless. Use, develop, and apply imagination and succeed, but avoid irrationality. If you knew what people really think of you, you would be surprised.

F- Overwhelming pride, beware of a fall. Do not put trust in superstitions. Desire for justice brings enduring friendships. Works well under direction, natural team player. Avoid conceit, especially over artistic abilities. Pursued diligently, talent and intelligence take you far.

G- Your morbidity disturbs those around you. Enjoy needed solitude, outdoor activities are beneficial. Indifference hurts yourself most of all. Base activities on realism. Care with money attains desire. Excesses are harmful. Reason carries you through roughest times.

H- Happiness comes from pursuing ideal. Music and art enhance achievements, ignore literature and drama. Criticism hurts. Numerous talents, concentrate on one to find fame. Status not enhanced by bragging.

I- Efforts rewarded by beautiful family life. Opposite sex can be a nuisance. Talent in your greatest love and inspiration. Inconstancy causes great anguish. Empathy and human understanding bring rewards. Cleverness may interfere with physical desires. Do not confuse sensuality with love of family. Follow your ideals.

J- Intuition is useful, rely on it. Eloquence expresses gifted mind. Business schemes are dangerous, beware. Inventiveness, well-managed, brings wealth and high position. Channel energy into helping others.

K- Love of home increases security. Strong desire for independence should not be taken to extremes. Control lust for power as it may overwhelm. Instincts of a good director, meddling can weaken position. Discretion and moderation important factors in life.

L- Sobriety and thoughtfulness promote talent. Secrets of magic and mystery are yours if you desire. Control sexual urge to avoid unpleasant situations and relationships. Avoid the supernatural, it has nothing to offer. To achieve success and happiness, first overcome hatred and jealousy. Spiritual studies beneficial. Outdoor occupations make money.

M- Physical comfort and wealth matter most. Over indulgence and bad habits are your undoing. Respect and religion brings peace of mind. Avoid risks, they destroy stability. Keep finances under control or they create mental illness.

N- Indecision worst enemy, only you can overcome. Overcome innate fears by self-development and latent talent. Impulsive nature could get you into serious trouble. Overcome tendency to unpredictability and irritability, them many friends and prosperity. Imaginary problems could overwhelm, stay in the here and now.

O- Constancy and truth as friend or lover earns great happiness. Ruled by head not heart, search far and wide for your path. Selfishness will defeat plans unless you modify demands. Sedentary habits are bad for you, keep active. Misfortune the consequence of own recklessness. Fantasy and illusions mar love life. Devotion will be rewarded. Flirtatious habits lead to disappointment and bad luck. Idealist in love, take time choosing mate.

P- Follow artistic ability to brilliant career. Practical ability can bring great financial reward. Attractiveness demands plenty of common sense. Literature, music, and art bring what you most desire. Great future if you concentrate on most obvious talent.

Q- Actions should be determined by science and reason. Cleverness takes you far in business or industry. Get an agent to promote your ideas. Love for humanity places in the right profession. Risky schemes may bring serious trouble. Look for the best in everything, but avoid over- optimism.

R- Powers of persuasion bring a position of prominence. Evasive nature sooner or later marks you as a schemer. You will make money in business. Make career one of your professions. Scheming mind and oratory do well in politics. Invent something, make it practical. Expend too much energy on too many projects, fail. Adventurous spirit brings changes.

S- Talent is great, but do not overrate. Pursue greatest talent and luck is at your side. Gifted, you bring gaiety into lives of others. Enchanting personality, help others toward prosperity as well as yourself. Fearlessness and versatility bring spectacular career, provide for old age. Do not dream about unrealistic goals, be practical and carve out a career. Great vision, do not overlook what is already attained. Originality, do not scatter energy or talent unwisely. Articulate, disorganized and mean, seek advice in all transactions.

T- Great imagination your finest talent. use appropriately to enjoy riches and honor. Restless, nervous and petulant, seeking companionship. Change of surroundings often helps. Fantasy and delight in the weird assist in new endeavors. Study a factual subject, especially history. Impulsive with low boredom threshold. Intensive study satisfies not, metaphysical interests do. Good imitator, needing enterprising people around.

U- Take great pride in achievements, which are noteworthy. Family and home are pride and joy, give them attention. Boasting about success ends in disappointment. Avoid vulgarity, it has no place in your life. Lack of respect may hamper. Boost another and see how life changes. Altruism brings unexpected happiness and financial reward. Adhere to ideals, they bring recognition. Beware of egotism, it could be your downfall. Honesty brings honor and distinction. Intolerance and fanaticism could ruin you. Versatility and creativity find a place in exalted undertakings. Avoid exaggeration, adhere to the truth. Remain practical to bring stability in family, business, and social life. A perfectionist, taken to extremes: impossible.

V- Unorthodox views, often correct, keep them to yourself. Affinity with land could bring prosperity through real estate. Music and poetry express introspective, melancholy nature. Apply mathematical ability to another science, despite doubt. Overcome unsociability, lead a happy life. Practical rather than studious, a good job. Avoid metaphysics, adhere to family values.

W- Put aside indolent ways, talent brings money you so enjoy. Keep mind, make fortune in business. Excellent business ability needs to be kept on track. Avoid impulsiveness, but give free rein to originality. Use sympathetic nature in caring profession or service. Inherent love of science, capacity for innovative research.

X- Wonderful talent accompanied by common sense. Combine merchandising with artistic abilities for success and fulfillment. Engineering good profession until niche found for artistic skills. Write as a hobby until it has proved it's worth. Take head out of the clouds, apply yourself fantastic career. Love of publicity and excitement, enjoy public appearances.

Y- Channel aggressiveness into selling to find success. A fighter, apply to achieving desires. Courage to stand by decisions no matter what opposition. Do not look for trouble. Quarrels will not solve anything. Seek advice before you get into a difficult situation. Attracted to military, may be hard to choose between home and country.

Z- An idealist, but calculating. How far to go? Only you can decide. Pride does not allow concessions. Ability to appraise situations accurately brings success. Respect for others minimal, you know your ability outshines them. Apply vanity to home and surroundings, so no harm comes of it. Avoid boasting, do the unexpected, keep ideals and attain goals.

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