
Life Before Birth Review

Life Before Birth by Dr. Arthur Janov is an excellent analogy of how womb life, and the first few months after birth can affect the baby's life far into the future. During pregnancy, the mother's state of being, stress levels, and hormone changes alter the life of the fetus. All the physiology and neurology changes that happen to the mother, are also experienced by the fetus.

twins in the womb

This is an amazing book, as a lot of research studies were done to determine how important the time of gestation, through the whole birth process can have a tremendous effect in our human life. We've all heard that love between a mother and child is essential for a baby's development, but there's more to it. Love has to begin in the womb. A calm, happy and loving mother can do wonders for the fetus.

From a neurological perspective, the baby's brain can be strengthened, and can produce better painkiller receptors. The levels of serotonin from the mother is also passed through the fetus. If there is an optimum level of serotonin, then the baby will have a more conscious life, be able to handle stress well, and have the ability to experience less pain in life, and more joy.

Life Before Birth Cover

Knowing all this, gives the whole pregnancy stage a much greater importance. Since the fetus is growing at such a rapid pace, anything that you do can compromise that growth and development, and effect the child's health and behaviour for a lifetime.

If you take drugs, medications or alcohol during your pregnancy, then the baby's brain cells get compromised. Stress is also important to watch, as the baby will also feel the anxiety and stress, as the levels of hormones change.

The baby, in the womb and as a newly born infant, has the most wide-open emotional window he is ever going to have. Everything has a great impact. One cigarette can constitute am imprint, producing a choking and a bronchial constriction that can become a prototype as to how the child will respond to later trauma.

Dr. Arthur Janov, PHD

Here's a part from the book about the effects of anxiety:

A recent study found that babies in the womb feel their mother's anxiety as early as four months in gestation. The findings, published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology show that the baby's anxiety level rises and falls in accordance with the mother's anxiety. (This work is being done at Tommy's, a baby charity in London devoted to investigating the causes of miscarriage, premature birth, and stillbirth). Anxiety was measured in the mother's blood as well as in the amniotic fluid. The point I want to make is that the fetus is constantly adapting to its environment. When the mother's system signals danger so does the unborn child. The difference is that the baby's adaptation is being imprinted and will guide perhaps a lifetime of reactions. It doesn't end when the mother's anxiety ends. The child is learning to be qui vive, always a little too alert and vigilant; hence, overreacting to the slightest fear later on. We are finding, more and more, that fear can indeed burn memories into our brain.

Dr. Arthur Janov, PHD

I would highly recommend this book to all mother's to be, and anyone who wants a clearer understanding of why we have certain health, mental and behavioural issues, and have no solutions.

Dr. Arthur Janov is a leading psychologist and author of eleven books, including the international best seller - The Primal Scream. He is the founder of a Primal Center in Santa Monica, California.

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