
Benefits of Green Algae

Written by Andrew Zubriczky.

Our World has existed for 4.5 billion years; spinning in space, evolving, to give us Life. Suddenly, miraculously, it happened! Around 3 billion years ago, a single celled micro-organism began its incredible journey to give us that Life. We know them today as marine phytoplankton- green algae.

green algae

Over 70% of our Worlds oxygen supply comes from these microscopic "spinach of the sea". They possess an amazing ability through the process of photosynthesis to synthesize oxygen; without which, Life on our planet would not be possible.

Not surprisingly, because of their evolutionary position and longevity, a great deal of interest and science has been directed towards them these past thirty-forty years. And, not just by oceanographic explorers. Forty years ago the research was preliminary; based on supposition and anecdotal evidence about the health benefits of using marine phytoplankton as a viable food source.

The latest findings are nothing short of incredible!

Advanced molecular technology indicates that these 'plankton', also contain an array of the world's most potent and powerful biological substances; of great benefit to our bodies as well as our World.

Unparalleled in both the Animal and Plant Kingdom for their biological effectiveness; they deliver one of the highest vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient content per gram, more than almost any other substance known!

These phytoplankton continue to amaze and inspire....

For one, they contain up to 60% protein by weight, compared to 22% for beef. Please keep in mind, that once beef is even moderately cooked, it contains 50% less protein-11%! Heating, frying, grilling, basically adding any high heat, can destroy almost all of the protein content within animal and fish meats.

Another fact, they are also considered to be a 'complete' protein source; all nine of our essential amino acids that we cannot produce in our own bodies, are contained in great abundance in every cell of these marine phytoplanktons: including, almost every other element in the Periodic Table of Elements; each in proper balance and totally bio-available to you-almost instantly!

Biologically speaking, they are the densest and richest nutritional food source on the planet. Amazingly, people's lives and health have been transformed and changed forever, when taking this stuff on a regular basis-every day!

So, how come we don't hear enough about them, for our own health? Well for one, they don't have as BIG a voice, or as DEEP a pocket, as do the Dairy, Beef, or Poultry industries!

For another, these mighty micro-organisms don't seem as appetizing or as friendly to eat, as most other things do. Most people prefer their critters dead before they eat'em, even if they are a powerful and nutritious plant of the sea. It is here that I would like quote my favourite ocean explorer, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, "The future of nutrition is found in the ocean".

Today, forty years later, through our science and technology we are finally discovering the truth about the sea, and the true value of those prophetic words. Marine phytoplankton may just become our next 'evolutionary' food, while becoming our most effective disease fighting agent. We live in a chemical world, confronted by poisons at every turn. These microscopic marvels are also a powerful natural detoxifier, and purifier; they can even eliminate metal toxins from deep within our bodies.

Following in the footsteps of Cousteau, teams of dedicated explorers from around the world have blazed their own paths of passion from within the sea. One of these daring souls has been David Wolfe; a tireless advocate for natural and nutritionally available foods-anywhere! He has traveled the globe in search of new frontiers, new foods, and new World medicines...for our greater health and longevity!

Thanks for bringing truth health to our table...it is during these times that we welcome it the most.

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