Diana Koch
Diana Koch is a new mother who is passionate about sharing her newfound knowledge about life. In her spare time she enjoys writing about health, fitness and general life experiences.
Permanent Lifestyle Approach
Each day brings new challenges and your body's needs change with each passing moment. Diana Koch shares with us how she achieved and maintained weight loss results with a permanent lifestyle approach.
First Time Doing Yoga
Diana Koch shares with us her first experience practicing yoga. She was unsure of what to expect, but nonetheless very excited to try it out. Find out how her body and mind reacted in her first attempt at yoga.
Mom and the City
Life in the city is experienced in an entirely new light when you are pushing around a stroller. Diana Koch shares with us how getting yourself and your baby ready requires careful pre-meditated planning.
Been Hair. Done That.
Sometimes women are afraid to part with their hair because of the way they will be viewed by others. Diana Koch shares with us her hair experiences, and her decision to chop it all off.
Lose the Weight and not Yourself
Losing weight can be challenging, as everybody is different, especially when it's post-pregnancy weight loss. The concept of loving yourself is the key to successful weight loss and not the other way around.
Time Outs are not just for Children
As a mother it never ceases to amaze me just how guilty we feel about taking time to ourselves. After catering to a baby all day and night we are pretty much left in the shadows of who we used to be.
Put on your Walking Shoes
We all know we should be engaging in exercise and that it's an integral part of daily living. But it appears as though people shy away from it. Diana Koch shares with us how exercise requires a level of dedication and persistence.
Trials and Tribulations of a New Mom
Diana Koch shares with us her experience of being a new mom. She felt extremely overwhelmed and wasn't prepared for such a great responsibility. Find out the trials and tribulations of motherhood.