Heart Chakra - Anahat
The fourth chakra is called the heart chakra and is in the middle of seven. It gives us the ability to express love and compassion and is located in the centre of your body and extends to your lungs, arms, hands and upper back. Blockages in this area can manifest in immune or heart problems, or lack of compassion. It links your lower half, which is the physical, to your upper half, the transcendental. It connects the body with the spirit in a loving way.
The heart chakra is associated with air and the sense of touch. The hands are closely connected with the heart chakra. A kind touch given out in a friendly manner is a sign of love and compassion. Massage is a great way to express love given through the hands from an open and balanced heart chakra.
Having an open heart can keep you inspired and get your creative juices flowing. If your heart chakra is too open, then you are prone to giving out too much energy and desire to help others. This leaves little or no time for yourself and makes you feel drained and stressed out. The key is balance. The heart needs to be flexible and able to open and close when necessary. This is important to the heart because it is constantly changing, giving us confidence to fulfil our hopes and dreams, forget our past and embrace our future.
The heart chakra is physically connected to the lymphatic system, which is part of the central immune system. Having a blocked or weak heart chakra can lead to a weakened immune system, stress related discomforts and respiratory and lung problems.
Ways to balance the Heart Chakra
Practicing yoga and meditation exercises can help balance the heart chakra. Fish pose, known as Matsyasana in Sanskrit, opens up the heart and throat chakra while strengthening your spine. It also provides extra oxygen into the lungs.
Massage is a beneficial way to open yourself to compassion and love to rebalance your heart chakra. Using your hands is how we tend to express ourselves in a creative manner which is important for our hearts. Some examples would be: cooking, drawing, sewing, playing instruments or writing. Even if you're a beginner in these activities, it doesn't matter, you can enjoy the act rather than the outcome.
5 Yoga Poses for Heart Chakra Video
- The heart chakra is governed by love, creativity and your sense of touch. Here is a video of 5 yoga postures to open your heart and give you the ability to express love to yourself and others.
Yoga to Open your Heart Video
- Here is a yoga meditation to open your heart to give and receive more love. It is from the book 'The Eight Human Talents.' You can repeat the movement 26 times focusing on your third eye point.
Chakra Meditation Video
- Here is a chakra meditation to bring awareness to your higher energy centres. This meditation is most helpful when you reinforce it with a regular yoga, self-analysis and positive activities.
Love Meditation
- Here is a love meditation to help attract more love into your life. It will also open your heart chakra to allow you to give and receive more gratitude and compassion in your life.
Related Links
- See all Chakras.
- Balance Chakras with Sun Salutations
- Root Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Solar Plexus
- Throat Chakra
- Brow Chakra
- Crown Chakra