
Cathy Geier

Cathy Geier is an educator, dancer, yoga practitioner and 1 bag international traveler. Based in beautiful Seattle, she continues her dream of teaching, traveling, studying yoga and health and sharing experiences. Cathy is a Community Manager for yogablaze.com where she writes about yoga, graceful aging and motivation. She also writes for MindBodyGreen. She is a National Yogamonth Ambassador and serves on public education committees.

Cathy has a BS in Physical Education, Health, Spanish and is a WA Certificated Teacher with masters/doctoral studies in education and curriculum design. She supervised student teachers. After 25 years in public education, she is getting her yoga teacher certification to work with special needs and to support seniors in maintaining flexibility and strength with a yoga practice.

You will find her at ILoveHotYoga, leading yoga at Gasworks Park, kayaking, or at an outdoor yoga festival. She returns to Costa Rica regularly to study Spanish and yoga.

Age Is Not Just a Number!

The number of one's age gives a great deal of information about the person. As yoga teachers we face students of all ages. Find out how devalidating one's knowledge or life experience can cause separation and disrespect.

Power & Strength Given to Yoga Teachers

We all respect power. We use it. We respect strength. We practice yoga, exercise and lift weights to maintain and develop strength. To really grow and to gain from experiences one must reflect on his/her own actions.

Qualities of Competent, Trusted Yoga Teachers

Cathy Geier shares with us a personal list of qualities of what it takes to be a competent, trusted yoga teacher. On the flipside, find out some hurtful incidences that happen during yoga classes.

Hot Yoga and Me, Love it/Hate it?

Cathy shares with us her personal experience about having a love/hate relationship with hot yoga. Find out her thoughts and self reflection as she discovers the truth about hot yoga.

Living Daily Yoga

Cathy Geier has taken yoga classes for over 30 years. It has shaped her life in many positive ways. She took master classes from internationally known instructors and classes at more than 12 studios.