
Bathtub Yoga

Spoil yourself in the tub... soak up in the warm water and enjoy the self-love. Add yoga to the mix, and your body will love you even more.

bathtub yoga

First thing is to make your bathtub your happy place, by setting the mood. Scented bubbles, candles, essential oils, flowers and some relaxing music. Let all your senses enjoy your personal bathtub sanctuary. I love adding a few drops of Lavender Oil into the bathtub before I get in, as the aromatic scent is very calming and soothing.

Warm water increases your body temperature, improves blood circulation and relieves any muscle tension.

As we begin, you can set an intention for your practice. This can be self-love. Be mindful of your body and enjoy this yoga sequence in the bathtub.

Neck Rolls – Kantasanchalana

Shoulder Rolls -

Seated Side Stretch - Parsva Sukhasana

Cow Face Pose - Gomukhasana

Seated Twist - Sukhasana

Seated Forward Bend - Paschimottanasana

Reclining Hip Opener/Thread the Needle - Supta Kapotasana

Butterfly Pose - Baddha Konasana

Corpse Pose – Savasana

Try out this beautiful bathtub self-love meditation to really focus on nourishing your whole body with love. You deserve all the love that you give so freely to others.

The more you give to yourself, the more love you have to give to others, and the more value you can add to the world.

Bathtub Yoga
VIDEO - Spoil yourself in the tub... soak up in the warm water and enjoy the self-love. Add yoga to the mix, and your body will love you even more.
Bathtub Meditation
VIDEO - A bathtub can be a lovely place to meditate, like a sanctuary for your own pleasure. Feel the movements of the water on your skin. Make your senses feel delighted and charmed by the warm water.
Bathtub Self-Love Meditation
VIDEO - This self-love meditation is a beautiful daily practice that nourishes your whole body with love. It's designed to take you on journey through your body, deeply listening along the way.
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