
Posts from November 2020

6 Yoga Poses to Attract Love

It's no coincidence that many yoga poses are named after animals. Our nature runs deep, as we are all kin. Here are some yoga postures that are aping some well known animals that might just draw you someone to hibernate with and attract love. See 6 Yoga Poses to Attract Love.

bunnies kissing

Children with ADHA can Benefit from Yoga

Yoga and meditation are making their way up the ranks to treat ADHD. Taking a few moments to breathe while observing your thoughts and feelings, you can gain access to a clearer state of mind. See Children with ADHA can Benefit from Yoga.

kids yoga

Eliminate Everything That Weighs You Down

There is nothing wrong with having things, as long as you can visualize your rooms and corners and closets and drawers and feel at ease about them. You see, everything we own has the option of either serving us or burdening us. See Eliminate Everything That Weighs You Down.

clear clutter

Facial Yoga Massage

Facial yoga is a great way to release tension and relax your facial muscles. Here is a video of some facial yoga exercises to increase blood flow to your face, while smoothening and toning your skin to make you look younger and vibrant. See Facial Yoga Massage.

facial yoga
