
Posts from June 2012

Boulder Hike - Fitness & Health Bloggers Conference

I recently attended the 2012 Fitness and Health Bloggers Conference in Denver, Colorado. It included an amazing Hike in Boulder. This challenging hike 6,915 feet above sea level led me to a breathtaking view, beneath the Royal Arch. See Boulder Hike - Fitness Bloggers Conference.

Flatiron Mountain, Boulder

Yoga Pranayama to Sustain Health & Beauty

Most people have observed how yogis seem to be much more youthful looking than those who don't practice. Yoga Pranayama are breathing exercises meant to increase your vital force may be the answer to sustain health and beauty. See Yoga Pranayama to Sustain Health and Beauty.

pranayama for beauty

What's Your Happy Thought?

It's easy to get wrapped up in the ego's illusions of how we should perceive ourselves, others and the world. Victoria Randles shares with us how using personal mantras can help shift your perspective at any given moment and change your mindset. See What's Your Happy Thought?

happy thought

Yoga for Healthy Hair

The health of your hair reflects your internal health and personal hygiene. Here are some yoga poses and breathing techniques to help address the root cause of any hair loss and bring upon healthy and beautiful hair. See Yoga for Healthy Hair.

Hair brings one's self-image into focus; it is vanity's proving ground. Hair is terribly personal, a tangle of mysterious prejudices.

Shana Alexander

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

Kahlil Gibran

wild thing pose

Aging Gracefully with Yoga

Aging is a natural part of life that often comes with numerous health problems. Dr. Minakshi Welukar shares with us how the regular practice of yoga and meditation can improve the quality of your life and help prevent chronic diseases, memory loss and any mental disturbances that make your life more cumbersome. See Aging Gracefully with Yoga.

aging gracefully

Yoga for Kids, Fad or FAB?

Ever notice how children are natural born yogis, with open hips, hearts and minds. Victoria Randles, sought Susie Lopez, a children's yoga teacher to share with us her knowledge on the benefits of yoga for kids. See Yoga for Kids, Fad or FAB?

kids yoga

Yoga for Computer Users

Those who work long hours on a computer are prone to chronic pains, eyestrain, eye fatigue and headaches. Yoga can help to decrease pain and muscle tension and improve body circulation that accumulates from sitting in front of a computer for too long. See Yoga for Computer Users.

yoga for computer user

Yoga Stretches in Bed

Your bed is a wonderful and comfortable space to practice yoga. Here are some yoga stretches that you can practice on your bed. This is great for travellers who want a nice stretch from head to toe. See Yoga Stretches in Bed.

yoga stretches in bed

Overcoming Diabetes with Yoga

Yoga and breathing techniques can help overcome Diabetes. Studies have shown that specific postures tone up the abdominal organs for better functioning and stimulates the endocrine system to achieve a proper level of insulin. See Overcoming Diabetes with Yoga.

one leg downward dog

From Stress to Cancer and Chi Kung

Stress can take a toll on both your physical and energetic system, which can lead to diseases like cancer. Chi Kung exercises can create a sense of inner peace and balance within your body, mind and spirit to help you overcome stressful situations. See From Stress to Cancer and Chi Kung.

stressed man
