
Posts from April 2012

HarmonyPhi Pendant Review

The HarmonyPhi Pendant is just an outstanding and unique piece. I've always loved having flattering jewelry pieces that make a statement. It just happens that their pendants are not only beautiful, but have a special meaning behind them. See HarmonyPhi Pendant Review.

Harmony Phi Silver Pendant

Chi Kung and Your Immune System

Wayne Bilyk shares with us how the ancient Chinese Masters discovered that Chi Kung is effective in restoring balance and strengthening your immune system. When your energetic and physical systems are balanced, there is no injury or disease. See Chi Kung and Your Immune System.


Are you a Yogi off the Mat?

Those that consider themselves modern day yogis should make an effort to apply the work they've done to every moment in their lives, on or off the mat. For every physical action there is an evenly distributed amount of energy towards the spiritual body. See Are you a Yogi off the Mat?

beach yoga mat

3 Powerful Mantras & What They Mean

Claire Austen shares with us 3 powerful mantras and what they mean. A mantra is simply a word, collection of words or sounds that is repeated as a means of attaining positive change in one's life. See 3 Powerful Mantras & What They Mean.


Public Myth Yoga Wear Giveaway

I'd really like to thank Public Myth for sending me a lovely Bamboo Racer Back Tank in Dried Herb and the Bamboo Yoga Capri in black. This outfit looks and feels incredible on. I've always thought bamboo to be a luxury fabric, as it feels extra soft on your skin compared to basic cotton. See Public Myth Activewear Giveaway.

Public Myth Wear

Win a Free Outfit from Public Myth

Public Myth would like to send a free Bamboo Racer Back Tank (Valued at $32.00) and a Bamboo Yoga Capri (Valued at $67.00) to one lucky winner. The soft and sultry luxurious feel of bamboo feels amazing on your skin. You get comfort and style all in one!

In order to win the Public Myth outfit, these are the following steps you have to take.

  1. Add LexiYoga on Twitter.
  2. Become a fan on Facebook.
  3. Subscribe on YouTube. (Only if you have an account.)
  4. Send a comment through Twitter/Facebook answering this question: What's your favorite way to relax and why?

The winner will be announced on Sunday April 29th. Good Luck to everyone!

I Love Yoga Wear Review

I received a lovely yoga outfit from I LOVE YOGA, which I absolutely love. Their yoga wear has sacred symbols and inspirational words to promote and spread the yogic love across the world. See I Love Yoga Wear Review.

I Love Yoga Wear

Yoga for Runners Video

Here is a sequence of 12 yoga poses to balance and stretch you out before going for a run. Yoga can help to strengthen, stretch and lengthen your muscles to help reduce injury to the knees, hips, ankles or feet. See Yoga for Runners Video.


Breath of Life! - Healthy Earth Survival Plan

By taking a deep yogic breath you can expand the lungs by about 8 times. If you establish a habit of breathing long, deep, and slowly you will have endurance and patience. Vera Del Vecchio shares with us some long deep breathing techniques to help use full capacity of your lungs, and improve health. See Breath of Life.

yoga breath

LexiYoga's 3rd Birthday Video

LexiYoga.com was launched exactly 3 years ago, so today - April 3rd 2012 is LexiYoga's 3rd Birthday. With ongoing writers, instructional videos, inspirational quotes, games, music and more, this unique beautiful website has become quite successful over the past 3 years. I'd like to thank all the fans and support for making these past years so wonderful. See LexiYoga's 3rd Birthday Video.

LexiYoga'a Birthday Cake

How Yoga Helped my Injury...

Claire Austen shares with us how yoga helped her injury more than medication. After about a year of yoga practice, the near constant ache in her neck had resided, and the poses that once caused discomfort could be done comfortably. See How Yoga Helped my Injury More than Medication.

plank pose
