
Posts from January 2010

Full Moon & Yoga

Should you be practicing yoga on a full moon? Yoga brings you more in tune with nature and the earth. Mira Saraf explains why it was tradition for ashtanga yoga not to be practiced on full moon or new moon days. See Full Moon & Yoga.

full moon quotes

Toronto Health Food Store Map

Toronto is just booming with health shops at every corner, especially in the downtown area, so I've put together a convenient map of all the health food stores in the Toronto and GTA area. This way you can find the location nearest you for all your natual health needs. See Toronto Health Food Store Map.

healthy food

Thai Yoga Massage

Thai yoga massage is a full body stretch and massage that allows you to move past your usual limitations and plateaus of your yoga practice and self development. If you have not had the opportunity yet to experience this full body stretch and massage, then you ought to try. Nora Benian shares the value of this 'passive yoga' massage. See Thai Yoga Massage.

thai yoga massage

Competitive Yoga

Is it right or wrong to compete in yoga? Competitive yoga has been practiced in India for over 2000 years. These days, there are whisperings to classify yoga as an Olympic sport. The question remains as to whether the more spiritual side of yoga will ever enter a North American competition. See Competitive Yoga.

competitive yoga

Indian Beauty Secrets

Indians live by the fact that your body responds well to natural ingredients compared to chemicals. Nature has been a great source of inspiration when trying to find beauty remedies. Their tradition believes that the body is like a temple and needs special care. Here are some Indian beauty secrets to keep your skin hydrated, nourished and beautiful. See Indian Beauty Secrets.

Indian woman

The Perfect Yoga Mat

Searching for the perfect yoga can be tough, especially if you're going to spend hours of your life on the mat doing yoga. Mira Saraf shares with us her experience on finding a replacement for her falling apart mat. See The Perfect Yoga Mat.

yoga mats

Yoga Wear

People have started emptying their wallets for stylish yoga wear, as certain brands are taking over the market that aren't so affordable to most. Mira Saraf has done her research on different looks and fabrics of yoga wear to compare the pros and cons of different brands. See Yoga Wear.

yoga wear

Yin Yoga Beats Alternative Medicine

Yin yoga has long lasting benefits, as the postures are held longer, allowing you to create stronger muscles, endurance and flexibility that beats alternative medicine to make you live longer. See Yin Yoga Beats Alternative Medicine.

yin yoga

4 Beauty Secrets for the Eyes

Bright, beautiful, lustrous, sparkling eyes radiate health and happiness. Here are 4 beauty remedies that have been passed down through generations using natural ingredients to beautify and heal your eyes. See 4 Beauty Remedies for the Eyes.

Indian eyes

Feng Shui: Clear the Clutter for 2010

Laura Morris, a certified Feng Shui consultant, teaches you ways to start the New Year on a clean slate. Clearing your space of unwanted clutter can free you both physically and emotionally. See Feng shui: Clear the Clutter for 2010.

feng shui luck
