
Posts from December 2009

Yoga, its History & True Philosophy

The Yoga of today appears to be more fixated on flattening tummies than it does on attaining spiritual freedom. Yoga has become many things to many people. Some Yoga purists, those that pursue a more spiritual path, are abhorrently repulsed by what Yoga has become today, with celebrities making it "the thing to do". Written by: Andrew Zubriczky. See Yoga, its History & True Philosophy.

yoga history

Black Tourmaline & Evil Eye

Black Tourmaline is a special stone known to absorb negative energy in your life. Rubbing it is also said to bring luck. Mira Saraf explains how she dealt with the turmoil in her life using this Black Tourmaline Evil Eye shield. See Black Tourmaline & Evil Eye.

black tourmaline

Yoga for Men: The Times are Changing

Men are now flocking yoga studios in Toronto more than ever, as they realize yoga is more than just gazing at all the beautiful eye candy of the opposite sex, as they stretch and turn. Andrew Zubriczky shares with us how the trend is changing for men. See Yoga for Men: The Times are Changing.

yoga for men toronto

What Does Being Healthy Mean To You?

Many steps have to be taken to lead a healthy lifestyle. Tanya Pavan shares with us what it means to be healthy by looking deep within yourself. Exercise, nutrition, diets and lifestyle all come into play as every individual has different needs, goals and desires. See What Does Being Healthy Mean To You?

berry fruits

Is Yoga Expensive in Toronto?

Mira Saraf shares with us her views on the question: "is yoga expensive in Toronto?" and the differences between practicing yoga in a studio vs. a gym. Yoga is as much a mental and spiritual journey as a physical one, that might be worth the expense in the long run. See Is Yoga Expensive in Toronto?


Yoga - Changing Your Life One Posture at a Time

Mira Saraf from Toronto took the 30 day yoga challenge, where she was drenched in perspiration for 90 minutes each day, in a room full of complete strangers and pushed her body to the limit. She is sharing with us a wonderful article how her 30 day experience changed her life for the better one posture at a time. See Yoga - Changing your Life one Posture at a Time.

30 day yoga challenge

101 Spiritual Quotes

I've collected 101 Spiritual Quotes from motivational leaders that will give you wisdom to live life to the fullest. See 101 Spiritual Quotes.

When does gold ore become gold? When it is put through a process of fire. So the human being during the training becomes as pure as gold through suffering. It is the burning away of the dross. Suffering has a great redeeming quality. As a drop of water failing on the desert sand is sucked up immediately, so we must become nothing and nowhere ... we must disappear.

Bhai Sahib

Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit.

Conrad Hilton

spiritual quotes

Top 6 Hot Yoga Studios in Toronto

Hot Yoga is definitely a growing trend in Toronto. Through the years, I've come across some amazing studios that left me feeling so calm and relaxed, from the actual yoga class to the studio decor. I'd like to share with you the best hot yoga studios that are worth a try. See Top 6 Hot Yoga Studios in Toronto.

toronto yoga studios

Full Moon Game

It's the fullest moon tonight! I found a challenging full moon game for you to play. You have to satisfy the rabbits desires by exploring, pointing, clicking and dragging your mouse. See if you can pass the game! Play Full Moon Game.

full moon game

Improve Relationships with Yoga

Yoga is more than just a physical exercise. Through the postures, you immerse yourself in various sensations throughout your body, that you begin to enhance your inner guidance and focus. This can improve the way you love yourself and others. See Improve your Relationships with Yoga.

zen bride
